
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We have a winner!

We just love having giveaways's so much fun for us!  Kyla's favorite part is that she gets to click to generate that random number!:)

So...our lucky winner is...
#55 Heather from The English Fam who said, "I would love to win this!"

Well, you did!!  And you'll make some beautfiul cupcakes with it!!  Congratulations!!

Please contact us at with your address so we can get your winnings shipped out to you!!

Also, stay tuned for the recipe for the Mint and Chocolate Chip Cupcake recipe...many have told me that they have been waiting for that one...well, the wait is almost over!!:)


  1. Congrats, Heather & thanks, again, ladies! appreciate the giveaway!

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to tell her!!!! I think I'm the one who referred her. =o) (Although maybe it was a joint friend.) YAY! This was a great giveaway and now I'm hooked on your blog!

  3. Thank you, Thank you, thank you!!!! I am so excited! Thanks to Kristen, I am now addicted to your blog as well! :) Keep up the good work!

  4. I look forward to seeing what the new recipe will be each day. I plan to make your roasted potatoes this week end. Thanks. Your blog is not only useful, but soooo attractive.

  5. Thanks for such great compliments everyone!! We love getting comments from our readers!!

    Betty...let us know what you think of the potatoes! They are so of Tony's favorites!
