
Thursday, October 20, 2011

GIVEAWAY for Kyla's Birthday!

Kyla turns 12 on Saturday (for those of you who don't already know) so we want all of you out there to help us celebrate her birthday!  And what better way than by hosting a GIVEAWAY!!

Kyla has been obsessed with Whoopie pies as of late.  We have made a total of 4 different kinds in the last 2 weeks, and one of them she came up with  A fact that she's pretty proud of!:)  And I can tell you that they were HANDS DOWN my favorite of all the ones we've made so far!!  We can't wait to share them with you!

OK, back to the giveaway.  Since Kyla's a Whoopie Pie makin' machine, we figured it'd be fun to give away some essentials (in our book anyway) for making these wonderful treats.  So here you go...
A Silpat....wonderful to cook your cookies on.  It's so much better than using parchment paper, and you can use it over and over again!!  This one measures 11 5/8 x 16 1/2.  That's the size that fits into a large cookie sheet. 
And an Oxo Good Grips Cookie Scoop (medium size).  This makes the perfect size cookie for your whoopie pies.  And it is so much easier than using spoons...AMEN.

If you would like to win these 2 awesome prizes, here's what you need to do:
(leave a comment for each thing you do, please!)

1.  Leave a comment telling us your favorite birthday gift you ever gave or received.  (or something you'd like to receive!):)
2.  Become a public follower of our blog.  (right side of the screen...just click follow!)  Or let us know that you already do follow.
3.  "Like" us on facebook.  (also, on the right side of the screen).  Or let us know you already "like" us.:)
4.  Link back to the giveaway on your facebook page.
5.  Display our button on your blog.

Giveaway ends next Friday, October 28th (Kyla's Uncle Brandon's Birthday...Happy Birthday to you!:)) at 12:00 Noon Mountain Time.  Winner will be announced Friday evening.



  1. Tickets to Time Out for Women!

  2. On my ninth birthday my little brother was born... Best present ever

  3. Jana what a cute blog with your cute daughter! Found it through fb! My favorite present was a beautiful wood door from my sweet husband! We moved from that house & now that door hangs at Mandi's house - Mandi from the vintage revival blog, you should check out her blog if you haven't yet!

  4. And I liked you on fb! Am I gunning for this prize or what? haha!

  5. I'm not entering, just saying happy bday Kyla! Thanks, both of you, for sharing your talents with the rest of us!

  6. Ok, I added your button to my blog!

  7. And the best birthday gift ever... That ones a bit more tricky. I think the most memorable was a bathrobe I got when I was probably 9, it was all I wanted and so luxurious (for a 9 year old) I remember opening it still, and I wore it around all the time.

  8. I'm still waiting for my kitchen-aid mixer! That's what I wan!

  9. Any kind of cute craft from a craft store. Who doesn't like decore?

  10. I follow you on your blog publicly!

  11. I display your button on my blog.

  12. Sharing your giveaway on facebook! Thanks girls!

  13. Favorite gift: The day of relaxation I got last year from my sister, right before I had Griff.

    Happy Birthday Miss Kyla!!!

  14. I am a follower already...........

  15. I have your button on my blog toooooooooooooooo

  16. Happy Birthday! The best birthday gift I've ever received is my kitchen aid.

  17. I display your button on my blog.

    (P.S. I'm Christina Curtis' sister! All of my sisters and I LOVE your blog and any time we make a recipe from it we call each other up and say how much we LOVED it! You guys are awesome!)

  18. Favorite Birthday Present....My Bosch mixer :)

  19. My favorite birthday gift was a Bosch mixer from my mom!

  20. My hubs gave me my dream car for my b day, it was awesome!
